This series on “Pleural Fluid Analysis” is edited by Dr. Zhi-De Hu, from Department of Laboratory Medicine, the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot, China.
Etiological diagnosis of pleural effusion (PE) remains a challenge for clinicians. Although thoracoscopy has high diagnostic accuracy in patients with undiagnosed PE, it has some limitations, such as invasiveness and the requirement for special training. Pleural fluid analysis shows a high diagnostic accuracy in undiagnosed PE. The preanalytical errors in pleural fluid biochemistry remain largely unknown. Taken together, this series focuses on the analytical and clinical aspects of pleural fluid analysis, with the overall aim of providing novel insights into the field of pleural fluid analysis for both clinicians and laboratory specialists.
The analytical and clinical aspects pleural fluid analysis
Diagnostic accuracy of endostatin for malignant pleural effusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Diagnostic accuracy of pleural effusion biomarkers for malignant pleural mesothelioma: a machine learning analysis
Preanalytical phase in pleural fluid analysis
Pleural fluid investigations for pleural infections
The series “Pleural Effusion Analysis” was commissioned by the editorial office, Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine without any sponsorship or funding. Zhi-De Hu is serving as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.