This series on “Patient Based Quality Control” is edited by Dr. Mark A. Cervinski, from Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, the Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth, Hanover, U.S.A.
There is a trend in laboratory medicine towards increasing automation and centralization. While the trend towards increasing automation and centralization has been in process for several years, the primary focus has been on clinical chemistry and hematology laboratories. Automation’s ceaseless march is now however also beginning to encircle microbiology and molecular pathology laboratories. I hope reader will find this series informative, and that new and instructive patient based quality control tools may be inspired by these articles.
The Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine’s special edition on Patient Based Quality Control
Development and characterization of neural network-based multianalyte delta checks
Derivation of real metrics of long term patient and analytical variation of three hemoglobin A1c assays demonstrates both borderline and highly acceptable analytical performance
Optimization and validation of moving average quality control for the INR and aPTT coagulation tests
Past, present, and future of laboratory quality control: patient- based real-time quality control or when getting more quality at less cost is not wishful thinking
Asking why: moving beyond error detection to failure mode and effects analysis
The series “Patient Based Quality Control” was commissioned by the editorial office, Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine without any sponsorship or funding. Mark Cervinski is serving as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.